Week 14 - Milestone Projects

Very First Assignment - Build a Building

Looking back at this very first assignment I remember how frustrating it was to try and make something in a software I  knew so little about using. If I were to redo this assignment now, it would be a much smoother (and more organized) process, and I would know how to better use reference images to increase accuracy.

Project 1 - Laser cutting

The laser cutting project was such a blast, and I love how the final piece turned out. I think it's funny how much more intuitive I found Rhino as a vector drawing program than Illustrator, which I was also learning to use at the time. Rhino's incredible snapping system have forever branded my usual Adobe software a tragic disappointment in comparison. Most of the art I do is digital, and I really love opportunities like this project to bring my digital work into the word as a real physical object.  As for doing part of this project differently, I would really just want more practice working in this style, to get better at designing for physical layering.

Model an Organic Object

The biggest aspect of this project I will take forward is how easy it is to 3D scan! I still find Rhino's organic modeling tools quite difficult to work with, and if I were to redo this project I would probably want to use it as an opportunity to learn some of Blender's sculpture tools.

Project 2 - Reverse Engineered Object

This project was a really fantastic way to spend time getting really comfortable using Rhino. If I were to do it again I would try to make sure all the pieces I modeled were proportioned correctly against each other and fit together, even if that meant straying from the measurements I got for each individual piece. It would also be cool to try out some better rendering software, either a Rhino plugin, or an entirely different program, to get some more quality renders.


Project 3 - 3D Printing

I came into this class incredibly excited to try out 3D printing and I was not disappointed! It was awesome to learn how the 3D printing process works, and to apply it to making something really cool. I would still love to have my own 3D printer someday, and now I actually know how to make something to 3D print. I both really like how my little spaceman turned out, and have so many ideas for what I would change next time around! If I were to redo this project I would focus more on the functionality of the joints, following my references much closer, and I would make the whole thing way bigger so it isn't such a pain to string in the end.


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