Week 1 - Building

The building I chose was my local safeway.

I went to the safeway to take some of my own photos with more details.

I started out using a lot of lines to layout a sort of sketch for the model, working for one side at a time. Once I had done some sketching I was able to start making the 3D shapes, working first on one side then mirroring it.

Through this project I got a lot more comfortable working in Rhino and better and problem solving any issues that arose.

One part of the building that I was unable to get was the metal design where the sign hangs. I was eyeballing all the measurements for this project, but once I got to the circles in the design the lack of accuracy prevented them for fitting properly. I ended up leaving that peart out because I would have had to readjust all the proportions of the build to make it look right if I resized the metal design part to fit the circles properly.

This project was a really fun way to get working with Rhino, and I feel that even though I was probably not using the program in the most efficient way, just getting to figure out my own ways to do things helped me come up with lots of different problem-solving techniques that will help me in future projects.
