Week 2 - Shapes


I had a lot of fun doing this project, it helped me learn the commands really solidly. I also feel like I got a much better understanding of the different snap options from this practice.

The only shape I struggled to make was this one.

I found the fillet command was difficult to use and ended up going through a rather complicated process involving a lot of extra reference lines/shapes that got deleted in the end. This method also focused on just filleting one point in the star then copying it repeatedly using the rotate command.

Looking back on this image an alternate method could have bee to make the circle using the tangent (to make it more exact - I was just using the circle for approximate fillet radius) and then use trim and complete skip using the fillet command.

I don't know if there is a better/easier way to do it, but I was able to figure out my own method to complete the shape, even if it was rather complicated.


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