Project 2 - Building Object
The object I am recreating digitally for this project is this music box. I started by disassembling it into all its separate components. Most of the modelling was pretty simple, starting by drawing in 2D using measurements from the object. Then I was able to extrude the 2D drawings into 3D shapes. I did a mixture of building the shape of the object and building the negative shapes to subtract from the object. For the "drum" of the music box, I tried giving it a different song. I used a website that works like a digital music box and found a song I liked. I used a screenshot of the song and the "comb" I had modelled as references for where to put the bumps on the drum that hit the "keys" of the music box. In order to get the 2D representation of the song onto the cyclical "drum" I had to first use the unwrap command to get a flat plane the exact size of the outside of the cylinder. I then took the pattern of bumps that I modelled and used the f...