
Showing posts from October, 2022

Project 2 - Building Object

The object I am recreating digitally for this project is this music box. I started by disassembling it into all its separate components. Most of the modelling was pretty simple, starting by drawing in 2D using measurements from the object. Then I was able to extrude the 2D drawings into 3D shapes. I did a mixture of building the shape of the object and building the negative shapes to subtract from the object. For the "drum" of the music box, I tried giving it a different song. I used a website  that works like a digital music box and found a song I liked.  I used a screenshot of the song and the "comb" I had modelled as references for where to put the bumps on the drum that hit the "keys" of the music box. In order to get the 2D representation of the song onto the cyclical "drum" I had to first use the unwrap command  to get a flat plane the exact size of the outside of the cylinder. I then took the pattern of bumps that I modelled and used the f...

Project 2 - Object Options

It took me quite a while to find some good objects for this project. I ended up going to a thrift store to look for some things that would work and seeing objects I liked that we already had but I hadn't remembered about when looking around at home. I ended up finding 3 random objects around the house that seemed like they could all work quite well for this project. The first object I found was this small music box. It one of that random knick knacks I have kept in a desk drawer because I like them. It looks like I could probably take it apart without damaging it with a screwdriver. The next object is this apple peeler. I found the kitchen seemed to be the best place to find random mechanical objects made up of different parts. The last object is this small manual ice cream maker. This one is the easiest to take apart and put back together because it doesn't require any screws.

Week 6 - Organic Object

3D scanning objects with my phone was so cool! I had no idea that it was possible and they turned out really good with very little effort. I scanned a few simple sculptures and stuffed animals I had and I like them too much to not include them all here. Narwhal 3D Model BLAHAJ 3D Model This slug fidget toy was the most difficult to scan, and ended up with worst scan, but I really wanted to try modelling it in Rhino because of its combination of geometric and organic shapes.  Slug 3D Model I took several photos of the slug toy to import into Rhino to base my modelling off of. I found the hardest/most annoying part of this project was trying to align and scale the reference images to each other so I could model accurately. I started out attempting to model the more organic shapes of the slugs antenna, using the Sweep2 command and CageEdit, but had issues with the refence images not being the same scale and ended up redoing this part later on.  Next I started started making ...

Project 1 - Laser Cut Illustration (entire process)

I started this project by brainstorming, making brief thumbnail sketches of different ideas. I then continued to refine my idea using different tools such as Procreate on an iPad and Adobe Illustrator. Once I had my idea sketched out in Adobe Illustrator I moved to Rhino, using 2D drawing tools to trace the sketch. Next I had to separate my sketch into layers so they could be cut out and stacked on top of each other. Using these layers in Rhino I made a brief 3D prototype to help me determine the size I wanted to cut the piece out. From the digital prototype I also made some renders of the piece to get a better idea of how the final piece will look once cut, stained, and assembled in the final material.  I organized all the pieces into a cut file for the laser cutter, nested together and at the correct size to fit on the material. Next I cut out the design in paper to make a physical prototype of the piece. This helped me problem solve any issues before I started cutting the final ...