Week 3 - Pattern

I had a really fun time using offset, ration, and mirror commands to make my patterns for this project. I combined the simple weaving/repeating lines pattern that I like to draw sometimes with a snowflake-like design. I was inspired to play with how each "block" of the pattern can be put together to make different designs by the different combinations of minecraft glazed terracotta blocks.

I found making lots of offsets on shapes in rhino just as satisfying in rhino as drawing similar patterns.

This is the main "puzzle piece" of the pattern that I them copied, rotated, and moved around to make different patterns.

I also had fun tiling the different basic pieces into bigger designs. It was really cool to see how many different ways you can combine one original pattern square. It was also cool to see how the pattern looks from farther away. Even though it has lots of small details I think it looks really good from farther away as well.


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