Week 1 - Inspirations

Model Making - Studson Studio

These are “trash bashing” models made out of various materials. I love the detail and recreation of really cool things seen in movies/games into real objects.


OOAK Dolls- Enchanterium

Dolls are kinda like character design turned into objects. 3d printing can be used to add cool details and accessories, or even make fully custom bjds.

Puppets - Barnaby Dixon

These are some really cool puppets that have incredible character in their designs and movement. Using glow in the dark paints hides the puppeteer and make them look incredible.

Arcane - 3D and 2D Animation - Fortiche Productions

Arcane is a really cool animated series made using a combination of 3D modeling and 2D animation. The basis of the animation uses incredibly modeled digital character rigs.

My Work - Animation 

I have really enjoyed making animation, and this is the most ambitious thing I have done yet.

My Work - Graphite

I like inserting my dog into any work I make at school.

Extra Bonus Inspiration: Laika Studios - Stop motion animation

I recently was reminded of this stop motion animation studio and couldn't help but add some photos of their stuff to my blog even though it wasn't in my original presentation because the puppets and objects they make for their films are incredible!


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