
Showing posts from September, 2022

Project 1 - Laser Cut Design Ideas

 Inspiration images - Laser cutting (complex and more simple), portraits, dog portraits I started out brainstorming for this project by collecting lots of photos of inspirations. I found a style of laser cut illustrations that I really like and collected examples of both complex ones and more simple ones. I also collected some laser cut portrait examples because I am combining this project with a portrait project for a different class. My original plan for that class was to make a portrait of my dog, so I looked for some laser cut dog portraits as well. Also I found out that a lot of my favorite pieces are made by the same person : I then though about was parts of the different inspiration images i was drawn to and what exactly needs to be included for my project to fit for both classes. I know I want to do a portrait of my dog, incorporating the style of my favorite laser cuts, which have really busy, detailed, environments full of flowing shapes...

Project 1 - Surface Design/2D Mosaic

 The first thing that came to mind for patterns was glazed terracotta in minecraft. They are really bright, colourful, patterned blocks that can be arranged in different combinations to make different patterns. Each block of a singular colour can be placed beside each other in different directions in order to make different patterns, and some people have even put different colours together creatively in order to make more complex patterns. Then I starting looking around my house for patterns and was surprised by how many I found. I noticed I am drawn to more illustrative patterns rather than the more abstract ones. One I found really interesting is the pattern on my couch. From far away is is hard to pick out the individual illustrations, making the couch just look nicely textured, but when you look closer you can see that it has a lot of really cool details. I also really like how well the illustrations fit together into one overall pattern. I also really like the detailed flower ...