Project 1 - Laser Cut Design Ideas
Inspiration images - Laser cutting (complex and more simple), portraits, dog portraits I started out brainstorming for this project by collecting lots of photos of inspirations. I found a style of laser cut illustrations that I really like and collected examples of both complex ones and more simple ones. I also collected some laser cut portrait examples because I am combining this project with a portrait project for a different class. My original plan for that class was to make a portrait of my dog, so I looked for some laser cut dog portraits as well. Also I found out that a lot of my favorite pieces are made by the same person : I then though about was parts of the different inspiration images i was drawn to and what exactly needs to be included for my project to fit for both classes. I know I want to do a portrait of my dog, incorporating the style of my favorite laser cuts, which have really busy, detailed, environments full of flowing shapes...